
Autofarm has come a long way since we started in December 2020, but planning for the long-term and sustainability have always been the key factors determining where we are headed.

Our goal is to be the one-stop shop for DeFi and provide a flawless user experience to automate everyday DeFi tasks, like automatically compounding yields and providing the best place to conveniently trade coins at the best available rate— all done through efficient and battle-tested smart contracts and an intuitive user interface.

Expanding the Autofarm ecosystem

We believe that the future is multichain, so we are always looking to continuously improve and expand the Autofarm ecosystem into new uncharted chains. As long as it’s EVM compatible, it will be on our shortlist for future deployments.

Autofarm vaults

It’s no secret that our state-of-the-art auto-compounding vaults are our core business. That’s why we are laser-focused on providing the best experience possible to our users when interacting with our vaults.

When it comes to adding new vaults, we aren’t only interested in the number of farms we support, but the quality of the farms we support is extremely important— without resigning yields in favor of security. Nevertheless, we understand that our users have different risk appetites, so we will keep working on providing a variety of vault options and working with new and existing partners to continue expanding and improving the Autofarm ecosystem. We’ll display useful information to help users get started with their research on the different underlying farms, including project descriptions, historical information, and direct links to the official websites of protocols.

Our researchers help identify early trends amongst different chains, and we expect our vaults to be fully deployed in new chains and accomplish partnership with the most used protocols of such chains. Our battle-tested contracts are easy to deploy fast, so expect us to be first in many of these new EVM-compatible chains.

We aim to keep our efficient vault service by providing one of the lowest-cost systems around all DeFi. Our efficient method for deployment and maintenance help us keep competitive in the long run, without radically affecting the price structure.

Key points
